Writerzen: an AI-Based Writing Model – All You need to know

The world is evolving and moving toward automation. Many automation systems are in use today that provide clients with ease and clever features. As Internet platforms are packed with tons of content, creating content has become necessary for the online world. Writing content is a difficult process that requires a lot of thinking, research, typing, and other activities.

The task of the writer is made easy by SEO tools. You might have heard about WriterZen because many new tools are introduced daily. This new full SEO tool is becoming more well-known for its user-friendly features and interface. WriterZen was created to speed up your article production in a matter of minutes. It is quickly emerging as the leading example of online content creation tools.

In this article, we’ll describe WriterZen’s real features and how they can benefit your productivity in great detail.

What is Writerzen?

WriterZen is an AI-automated content creation tool with a ton of capabilities. You may find fresh themes with targeted keywords with this tool and produce top-notch articles. 

This complete application has a multitude of capabilities that can improve the productivity of your content creation process.

WriterZen is a comprehensive SEO tool that helps you write content that will rank higher on search engines by providing features like targeted keywords and subject research. To verify your content for plagiarism, you can also receive an inbuilt plagiarism checker.

Although this content SEO software is new to the industry, consumers already commend its excellent performance. WriterZen made its debut in 2018. It is based in Singapore. After becoming incredibly popular, it is being introduced on a global scale.

How WriterZen Works?

By combining all types of content research over one platform, WriterZen enables you to address essential creative challenges. Users may look for relevant themes, specific keywords, and relevant content sources in a short amount of time. WriterZen provides customers access to various capabilities that let them create material for their websites, blogs, and other things.

It allows content producers to concentrate on their talents by avoiding research constraints. This tool will take the responsibility to organize all relevant resources and verify content pertinence. The Topic Research Algorithm makes it simple to find content ideas for the four categories of Overview, Mindmap, Explorer, and Cards.

WriterZen provides customers access to a variety of capabilities that let them create material for their websites, blogs, and other things. With the help of this platform, content producers may work together on separate, large-scale projects. 

Highlighted Features of WriterZen

Let’s now examine its characteristics:

When you log in to WriterZen under the dashboard Panel, there are three options: Topic Discovery, Content Creator, And Keyword Explorer.

Topic Discovery

Topic Discovery or finding a topic idea is the most crucial part for any content creator. “Topic Discovery” is one of the effective features of the WriterZen platform. You may use the Topic Discovery function to find subjects for your upcoming blog posts. It takes time to select a content topic for any blog or article. Additionally, spending a lot of time and effort investigating the concept you developed might be demanding.

One of the essential components of developing a successful SEO strategy is topic discovery. This module allows you to accomplish that within a short time. Based on the topic or keyword you’re targeting, it will provide you with a ton of possibilities.

When you enter a term, its system looks up all the associated keywords in the top 100 links or URLs. It investigates what topics are trendy and how people respond to the related topics’ sub-points.

WriterZen will offer to receive original term suggestions with high search traffic. You may organize the terms by search volume or relevance and sort the search by relevancy. Or you can choose to have the terms shown as a mind map.

The “Google Suggests Insight” and “Headlines To Consider” features can be used to conduct more research. These capabilities bring headlines from all other articles and fresh subject suggestions, offering you questions and comparison-related keyword ideas.

Content Creator

The content creator on WriterZen is the best writing solution for you to use when creating a blog article or any other kind of document. Interaction allows you to link various project components and keep a record of them. It is one of the key advantages this content generator offers. It guarantees the caliber and worth of unique material by promoting cooperation among collaborators.

Users can also receive targeted keyword recommendations with content development predicated on a smart algorithm that examines the list of top-ranked URLs. Additionally, it enhances the writing experience by enabling full-screen presentations, exports in a number of file formats, and other features.

It may be used to handle every stage of users’ major projects, including writing, publication, and monitoring. There are also paragraph ideas, live, image, and sentence recommendations. Single or multiple users can examine every writing assignment for plagiarism at any time during the project.

It provides information-derived, up-to-date topic ideas. The usage of this function aids in developing structured, user-effective SEO-optimized content.

Keyword Explorer

Keyword Explorer is one of WriterZen’s key features and is a fantastic tool. Creating SEO-optimized content is crucial for your content to rank higher. Your SEO ranking may suffer if you rely solely on instinct. When determining which keywords can help you rank higher, you should use Keyword Explorer.

WriterZen allows you to research keywords using filters for your chosen country and language. You may filter the various keywords available to you in Keyword Explorer using various criteria. 

This tool also provides a graph or chart using Google Trends data and search volume on a monthly basis. This information shows whenever the keyword trends in terms of search volume.

You will receive numerous insights and information regarding all the keywords after searching using a certain term. SERP (Search engine results page) overview, overall search volume, CPC (cost per click), and keyword suggestions are a few of these.

Keyword Data

A library of important keyword information is located here. The categories for search queries, CPC, trend, and word count are included in the list of every single term. It displays various Term Difficulty levels when you click a keyword in the list. It is simpler to rank for a term with a lower Keyword Difficulty level. You must concentrate on keywords for specific content while writing material. Additionally, it provides a complete graph of search queries and keyword trends.

You can use Phrase Match to categorize the keywords that begin with the keyword you searched for. The “Having Same Term” option will show you a list of terms that contain the search term you used. Finally, the “Also Search For” option recommends additional keywords that people may search for in addition to the one you entered. 

Using the include/exclude option, you can include or exclude the word(s) you input, allowing you to narrow the list further. Additionally, you may sort by volume, cost per click (CPC), the number of words in the search phrase to find ESPK (estimated sales per click), long-tail keywords, and trending terms.

All in Title

Under the “Keyword Data” section, “All in Title” is one of the excellent tools which displays the total number of websites that used the same keywords. This tool allows us to calculate the Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR). KGR determines the ratio of Search Volume to “All in Title.” You have a better chance of ranking higher than other websites the lower the KGR ratio is. You can focus on the keywords that receive a lot of searches but have fewer titles.

Keyword Insights

This feature provides a stack of questions by Keyword Insights containing the keyword. This application also provides you with many ideas that can be used on any website or suggested to clients. “Keyword insights” suggested questions can be used in your article’s FAQ section.

Keyword Clusters

WriterZen checks a number of Google results to determine how well any site employs keywords that support higher page rankings performance. It compiles all of this data which aids you in choosing various keywords to use in your post. These keywords optimize your SEO ranking and assist you in moving up the search engine results page.

Keyword Importer

Keyword Importer is one of WriterZen’s most useful features. You may import studied keywords for analysis with Allintitle or KGR using WriterZen’s keyword importer. It is user-friendly and has an intuitive UI. It merely takes a split second to switch workstations and start a new piece of content. Additionally, keywords can be imported from a CSV or TXT file or inputted directly in the keyword field.

Plagiarism Checker

The WriterZen plagiarism checker tool is an added benefit of this software. This capability is hardly used with other SEO techniques on SEO platforms. It is an important tool for content or article writing rather than SEO optimization.

It alerts you to plagiarism since so many terms were precisely copied from other pages. However, plagiarism is not detected if these few words and a few phrases are changed.

This plagiarism checker performs on average. 

What is The Pricing of WriterZen?

WriterZen provides two options: a free trial and a premium subscription. The free trial is only available for seven days and has a small number of features. The free trial enables new users to familiarize themselves thoroughly with the product. And help them to decide whether the services are appropriate for them or not to continue paid version.

Meanwhile, the premium subscription offers a ton of incredible features and functions. The Premium bundle is the most well-liked one. It offers a variety of features and a ton of data that might assist you in producing original and interesting content.

Canceling WriterZen membership is simple and may be done whenever you want. Monthly and annual packages are the two alternatives offered. You will save 30% if you select the annual payment option. WriterZen’s yearly subscription includes a seven-day trial, premium, and platinum package.

WriterZen : Pros & Cons

Content creators may use this amazing program because of its user-friendly interface, which is straightforward to grasp. For those who struggle to create articles for their website, blog, or other social platforms, WriterZen is a fantastic tool.

However, WriterZen is a human-made software having advantages and disadvantages, much like other content production tools is common. Let’s examine its benefits and drawbacks.


  • WriterZen is one of the greatest tools for content production that makes it simpler for individuals to produce high-quality online content.
  • It has a user-friendly interface that is simple to use and has clear feature names. Thanks to its good UI design and ease of access to the functions behind the dashboard.
  • A fantastic keyword clustering function is available in WriterZen.
  • It helps with ranking and getting fresh ideas from Allintitle and KGR.
  • This software provides exact keywords that assist article writers in producing original and excellent material that is appropriate for the market.
  • You may save money and time by using this tool, which is affordable.
  • WriterZen provides excellent resources with fantastic subject suggestions and concepts, saving you a ton of time and aiding your SEO ranking.
  • WriterZen provides live assistance whenever you need it, regardless of the issue.
  • It provides a free trial for users, and you can cancel your subscription anytime.


  • Compared to other plagiarism-checking programs, the WriterZen Plagiarism Checker tool produced mediocre results.
  • Backlinks are not permitted when using WriterZen. Beginners may be able to handle this, but experienced bloggers and content producers may find it a significant disadvantage.
  • WriterZen didn’t develop any tool regarding competitor analysis of the keywords and rankings.

Closing Note 

WriterZen is worth the purchase, especially in light of its incredible features. It offers reasonable costs and the opportunity to receive free credits. It’s an almost ideal substitute for my existing keyword research tools as it uses a vast range of data from Google.

Purchasing WriterZen, which includes a keyword research tool, content production, and an SEO optimization tool, is a straightforward option if you don’t already have one.

Although it doesn’t have the backlinking option, hopefully, it will progress further based on smart features.

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